Ok! So sad that my trip to China has ended so quickly. I wouldn't mind spending a few more days there seeing the scenery, but not the Free and easy days! The scenery was very nice, the food was edible, some nice but practically everyday was the same, at least 3 veggie dishes, fish, fish that were boney, boney boney. The Free and Easy days were boring. . The temperature was 2*C and it was cold cold cold, smoke was like coming out of my mouth. And at around 5.30pm in the afternoon, it's already dark. Geography: Winter time, Long day, Short night!
Reached China at around 6am+ in the morning, took the Shanghai magnetic train. Then went to Chenghuangmiao street to look at the old streets and shopping. After that transferred to SuZhou, went to the central park there, then went to some Garden meant for the rich people, and at night, took a cruise around an ancient water town and since it was in the night, the lights were one and the scene was beautiful. The next day, went to a silk factory and then cruised in some lake.......Yawns tired. Continue tomorrow.