'Those who hope on the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.'- Isaiah 40:31

LoOk HeRe..........NoTiCe

1. Events/Highlights: 8th to 13th June- IB and Interact Club Service Trip to Chiangmai Thailand. 14th to 15th June-Scout camp.

2. Only one post can be viewed at a time so please do visit memos of the past.
Domo Arigato,
Bishop Oldham so lived his days that others might have tomorrow, we who are heirs of this great institution must surely play our part. The past we inherit, the present we create; for those who hope, believe and work, The Best is yet To Be. - T.W Hinch, Principal, ACS(1929-1947)
A close friend will help you out of a dark situation, but your best friend will always be with you even in the darkest of days.
A Dream that you Don't Chase after will Haunt you forever
Regret Is the foolishest thing on Earth

See How HaPPy I'm! :)

Be Prepared as The Best Is Yet To Be.......have faith in the lord

Being Happy!

Monday 26 November 2007

Went to watch Arabian Nights by ACJC Acsian Theatre. It was really nice. Too bad no pictures were taken. Surprising Tan Wah Thong was there!!! What's the synopsis?
The story of the thousand and one nights is famous and everyone at one time or another has heard one of the narratives or has read a fragment of the tales. They are part of the cultural memory of the middle east and across desert plains and in the cities the tales have enthralled children and adults alike. There are part of the stuff of dreams and of endless fascinating narratives of kings and lovers, of rich and the poor, of scoundrels and hereos.
A beautiful princess confronted with the bitterness of a king uses the magic of her wit and the grace of her beauty to tell stories that smoothe the pain of the king and to bide away he time. Scheherazade tells a different story each night and with each passing night the king Shahryar is made to see the folly of his ways and to recognise the pit darkness that despair and regret can create. As each story unfolds, Shahryar starts to realise the value of hope and the horror that is bitterness. Arabian Nights affirms all human beliefs in mercy, grace and kindness. It celebrates the magic of love and forgiveness. Retyped out.

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Okay! Last Friday when for the Ventures nite meeting and once again, I'm back doing administration again.Invitations Now. Okay never mind. I don't mind doing it, in fact I like it.
After that when for Mr Ng's farewell Dinner in the school Auditorium. Watch the Parade first. Nice! It's my last time watching school parades too. The table I was sitting at was the class of 2007 one and 80% of the people there was from 4a1 besides Russell and I. Listened to all the testimonials, watched the presentations. Its kinda of sad to see Mr Ng leave the school. The man who took me in and gave me a second chance, allowing me to be who I am today. :) Thank you Mr Ng! There was all the all boys from class of 1997 , the first batch till now, 2007. Some old teachers that had already left came back such as Khoo Wee Wee, Alexis Ho, Wong Swimming, Ernest Chia just to name a familiar few. There was even Mr Noel Ong who came from Hong Kong and Mr Melvin Sim from Jakarta. The worst thing was that there was no Kathryn Koh, Bishop or even a single board member. How much......can they be!( I can't say any thing here). I guess they must be ''busy'' lol. All the best to you Mr Ng. Walk by faith and not by sight, do not kick the ball into the wrong goal post, to whom much is given, much is expected.

Okay! Here I get my phone call from ACJC DEP saying that I was unsucessful in my Drama auditions. Haiz! Nevermd! At least there would be no more commitments anymore. I was just using it as a trump card to get myself into ACJC. Here it goes: Enter AC first, take up an extra subject and then drop DEP later. How cunning and sly! But it failed. Now I would have to use my 6 remaining approach to get in....I'm keeping mum to prevent any hindrance to my road to ACJC. Muahahaha! Those who got it like Arunan still have to appeal with the ACJC DEP teachers' to get into ACJC. Thus it isn't so bad afterall as now I don't have to worry about feeling bad if I drop the subject.

Friday 16 November 2007

Yesterday, I went for my drama elective programme audition at acjc. I really wonder how I would fare. There were 16 auditioners including me. My day has the most number of people compared to the other three days. The other auditioners were basically very friendly, except one boy for Zhonghua Sec, so extra.....can stand it. But the was the second to go for the audition so I didn't really get to see/hear more about him. The rest for the people sitting with Arunan and I were very friendly, the two girls for SCGS, the two Tanjong Katong Girls School, one from MGS, one boy from Dumman Sec and one gir.l The were another 5 others which we didn't really mixed for example, RGS and River Valley as they were sitting at the other end of the table. Girls really out numbered boys. The Dumman boy seems to me to be unable to pronounce words properly thus causing me to be a more relief as there is one less competitor for me. He pronounced Arunan's name as Arudan.! He might have problems saying the word pictureque and grotesque. Ohya! The people there do not see to be so bitchy unlike Arunan and I as for example Arunan started calling me Don't be Toxic! The others were like looking at us in that shocking manner. I really wouldn't mind being classmates with them. I had to wait for like 3hrs+ before my turn. The for my interview, which was held in the dance studio, I was questioned by Ms Michelle Wong why was there a switch from scouts to drama and so of courses I answered back(not going to reveal) without hemming and hawing as I had actually prepared my answer. Ooops! The she asked for my prelim grades and then a possible A lvl subject conbination. I recited my comtempory script with a be of action with out looking at the script even though I was allowed to refer. As for the classical piece, I tried remembering at first....forget abit, ask to restart, A bit of memory work then with script reference. Haiz! I only read a small portion of the script and was stopped. The Michelle Wong said that it was enough for her to judge me already. This scares me further along with the judge smiles. Errrrh! She also said that a phone call would be given after she has finished all the people. Now I still have even received a phone call and I'm starting to get impatient and abit worried/anxious.'' Good thing Mrs Creffield wasn't inside. Hain ah! Ahhh...Don;t keep me waiting. Just tell me a yes or a no." Okay! I've done the best that I could possibly have done and so, I leave the rest up to God. The Best is Yet to Be.......After the auditions, when for lunch at cafe cartel and city hall(not so sure) then shopping at Tangs.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Oh Gosh! Tomorrow is my ACJC Drama Elective Programme(DEP) Audition. I really hope I get it. Supposely to remember the two scripts given then recite and reproduce it on the day itself but then on the morning of 14th of November 2007, I received a call from ACJC DEP reminding me about my audition as well as saying that there is no need to remember anything at all. WTH! After I had stuffed up my brain. Okay what you are going to see below would be my two scripts:

Contemporary Piece
One–Act Play
Ray: Late teens – 20s; Rural America; Present.

As a rural family struggles to cope with the desertion of their father, ray, the oldest son, discovers a place of calm form which he can objectively contemplate their domestic situation.

I’ve been there before. Why there’s a little house down there with a hole in the front porch, and it’s my home. I grew up there. There’s a nail on the floor board that catches my sock everytime I walk across it. My mother, occasionally, when she’s mad, takes a hammer and beats the nail back down again. But it pops up every winter or so. I know it all down there. On the left, not too far from my house, is a farm. They got watercress growin’ down there in the stream now. When I was little their barn got struck by lightnin’, a cow was bringin’ her calf into the world, and just as the lightnin’ struck the mother, the youngun was outta the sack and clear of danger. It’s good down there. At 2:10 in the mornin’ a train comes by. My Mama says the only time she woke up at 2:10 in the mornin’ was when the train didn’t come. Delayed a while back durin’ a storm. It’s home down there. When my Daddy left he gave my mother a 10 pound bag of flour as a going away gift. But he’s still in the house. I smelled him in her closet, and Lexy sees him in Mama’s eyes. My grandma’s dead. When she came to visit, she’d bring her own towel to place on our furniture to sit on, she thought the chairs were infested. Now, still, when I sit down in the easy chair I get itchy. Then I remember why. It’s good down there. It’s home.
by Yannick Murphy

Classical Piece (Men)
Cyrano de Bergerac
Edmund Rostand
Translated & adapted by Anthony Burgess
Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, a Cadet (nobleman serving as a soldier) in the French Army, is a brash, strong-willed man of many talents. In addition to being an incredible duelist, he is a remarkable poet and is also shown to be a musician. However, he has an extremely large nose, which is a target for his own self-doubt. This doubt prevents him from expressing his love for his cousin, the beautiful Roxane, as he believes that his ugliness forbids him to "dream of being loved by even an ugly woman" by his nose.

ACT I. In the theatre
We are in Paris 1640, in the era of Dumas’s Three Musketeers. The theatre is not a theatre as we know theatres. It is rather like a large indoor tennis court roughly converted into a place where plays may be performed before small audiences, or chamber concerts given for even fewer. There is a small platform which serves as a stage, and a number of benches accommodate the less patrician spectators. The gentry and aristocracy will be seated in a low gallery with chairs, while a higher one, chairless, from which the view is not good, is intended for their servants. It is evening.


My nose, sir, is enormous. Ignorant clod,
Cretinous moron, a man ought to be proud,
Yes, proud, of having so proud an appendix
Of flesh and bone to crown his countenance,
Provided a great nose may be an index
Of a great soul – affable, kind, endowed
With wit and liberality and courage
And courtesy – like mine, you rat-brained dunce,
And not like yours, a cup of rancid porridge.
As for your wretched mug – all that it shows
Is lack of fire, spunk, spark, of genius, pride,
Lack of the lyrical and picturesque,
Of moral probity – in brief, of nose.
To fist such nothingness would be grotesque,
So take a boot instead on your backside.
Nothing more?
Just a fatuous smirk? Oh, come, there are fifty-score
Varieties of comment you could find
If you possessed a modicum of mind.

You have to leave my worsting to your betters,
Or better, who can best you, meaning me.
But be quite sure, you lesser feathered tit,
Even if you possessed the words and wit,
I’d never let you get away with it.

Gosh! It's actually such a relieve that I don't have to remember the scripts and worry about forgetting the lines. :)

Graduation Night

YMCA! YMCA! Woh! It was one fun night! I love it! To those who didn't go: Haiz! What a waste! :P Food was good(Prawns, beef Redang, pasta...etc) ! Friendship and Camaderie(wateva spelling error it so be it k!). It was at Raffles Town Club. WTH! Not so hotel but nobody cares actually. Hmm! I'm sure everyone had a great time there till some people or lets say practically everyone went crazy. From some sort of dance thingy till best dress male modelling where some 5E1 guy place a tie around Mr Ng's neck. Human Chains formed all a sudden where we all started running around the hall. After which we had the YMCA thingy and of course, the night ended with the School Anthem. Throughout the night, I must say it was hilarous. Wahahahaha!:) Oh ya! Photos being taken every where, everytime......pictures.......trying to upload but blogger has their problems. LOL! :)

4a4-My favourite class
Mr Ng- The Best Principal

Sunday 11 November 2007

On Thursday, went to Arunan's house for a depavalli lunch with Russell. The two of us were the only ACS BR people there besides all the other guest. WTH! After Lunch, we ended up b****ing and playing cluedo in the room. At around 5.45pm the three of us left the house to head over to Cumara's house for dinner. Now there were more people that I know present there like Jeremy, Yi Loong, Zhao Guo and 1o+ other BR students. On the way to the cumara house, we saw two familiar figures walking but it was only when the taxi had passed them and when we turned around did we relised it was Jeremy and Yi Loong. But it was too late to stop and pick them up.Practically ate the same stuff at both house which of course being Indian= Spicy food which I can't really take but nice though. Had alot of fun that day.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

It's Overrrrr! Joy to me!

Hooray! My O Levels are over and I am so relieved, so happy! Thanks to taking combine science, I have finished a few days earlier. Time really passes by very quickly.It now marks my end of 4 years of secondary school education. A start of a new chapter of life. How did I find the Os? I am not going to comment on them at all. It's like some sort of jixn when ever I say it's good........and my results will come out like ****. Overall, its okay.....better for my two maths definitely. But now I hope the markers won't be so strict or moderate down the marks...that will be terrible. O levels....I hope it will never repeat itself like the my PSLE ever ever again. But I've done the best that I could ever do already and so now I am leaving it all to God and I know he will judge everyone accordingly. Praise the Lord! Now what in the world am I gonna do for the next 2++months? First, I gonna have my whole room cleared out...throwing away old textbooks and notes that have been deem useless and irrelevant to me from today onwards. Become a couch potatoe watching TV day and night. A sleeping beauty waking up at 2pm everyday. Dye hair??? Maybe! Go cooking classes. Try to get into ACJC if I can't then work @ Barker Road. Okay! Today also marks the last time I fit into white and blue and pin on a tri-coloured badge.......maybe for now only lah! Woohoo!!! :)